
These blogposts are my opinions from reflections on topics relating to my current area of interest - Enterprise Agility, Leadership, Entreprenuership, Personal Development and Complexities of Africa.

Test automation click might not completely simulate an actual human click

I have been working at this client where i am opportuned to use cucumber, watir-webdriver and i came across this problem today. The application i am testing is an e-commerce site and i am writing test for a page on which i click on an item and the item appears on the shopping basket area of the site. My code look like [code] def select_item(item_name) => /#{item_name}/).link(:class_name => “addOptions”).click Watir::Wait.

Redirecting blogger post to

I moved my blog from the blogger one to wordpress and i wanted to ensure that people that have bookmarked post on my old blog get redirected to the new one on wordpress as i wouldnt be update the old blog anymore. I found a lot of effort by different people and all the stuff that was suggested using javascript didnt work for me, what i got was regardless of the page you are on my old blogger site, you would be redirected to my homepage on the wordpress site which is not very helpful.

A tester's reflection on kanban plus BDD

Having just finished an engagement with a client where the development practices include kanban and BDD. Kanban for us meant that we give priority to work on the right side of the board. So as a tester, I would rather spend my time doing some manual testing on a story that is in the QA queue, than writing automated acceptance tests for a story in the queue for Acceptance Tests.