Uploading CSS files using Shrine gem

I have recently switched from carrierwave to shrine in my Rails app and i thought i follow the advice of Alan Richardson, saying when you learn something new, irregardless of how trivial it might seem to you, share it and save someone else that headache.

So in the Yangah application, we upload a number of files to amazon s3 which include images, font files and css files for these fonts. However, i have found that with shrine, out of the box it was not able to correctly set the mime type for the uploaded file on s3.

I actually did try to fix this myself and eventually reach out to the Shrine google group and Janko, the author of the Shrine gem was able to provided a suggestion which worked first time and i am grateful for that.

Here is a link to the actual thread but just incase it gets deleted; this is extract of the message sent by Janko.

I installed the gem “mime_type” and update the FileUploader class with code snippet below.

plugin :determine_mime_type, analyzer: ->(io, analyzers) do

And that’s it!!! i have the css file now being uploaded correctly with the mime type of “text/css”.





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